Ok. Please. Tolong la belanja saya!!! Tolong la!! Bagai nak gila rasa nih! Live in KL tuh!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
You know myname, not mystory.
"You know my name, not my story."
A lot of times because of our nature, because of our past experiences, and because of what is status quo, we either intentionally or unintentionally judge a person's character when often we only know their name. Judging a person before we truly get to know who they really are, often results in judging a person wrong, which in turn prevents us from getting to know them as we really should because of these judgments.
You don't know all of the life situations that a person has experienced in the past, and what kind of life experiences or difficulties that they may be facing in the present, so do not judge them. Instead of treating someone as everyone else seems to, treat everyone in the way that most would desire to be treated, with kindness and compassion at all times remembering that you may know a person's name but that doesn't mean that you know their story.
Notes :
Emotional. You know myname not mystory. You've heard what i've done, not what i've been through.
A lot of times because of our nature, because of our past experiences, and because of what is status quo, we either intentionally or unintentionally judge a person's character when often we only know their name. Judging a person before we truly get to know who they really are, often results in judging a person wrong, which in turn prevents us from getting to know them as we really should because of these judgments.
You don't know all of the life situations that a person has experienced in the past, and what kind of life experiences or difficulties that they may be facing in the present, so do not judge them. Instead of treating someone as everyone else seems to, treat everyone in the way that most would desire to be treated, with kindness and compassion at all times remembering that you may know a person's name but that doesn't mean that you know their story.
Notes :
Emotional. You know myname not mystory. You've heard what i've done, not what i've been through.
There's always, a little truth behind every "I don't know"... A little curiosity behind every "I was just wondering"... A little emotion behind every "I don't care"... A little pain behind every "it's okay"... A little love behind every "I hate you"... A little I need you behind every "leave me alone".
In life something that we must all pick up on are the indirect cues that are presented to us ...throughout different scenarios in our lives. Not everything that we see with our own two eyes, may tell us all that we need to know, or think that we may know about a subject.
Too many times as people we are willing to judge a book by its cover, and not to think of things the way that they really might be if we just choose to use our brains a tad bit more in relation to everything that we deal with, including our daily relationships, in life. Deciphering whether or not there may be a little pain behind every "its okay" a small bit of curiosity behind every "I was just wondering" and a little love behind every "I hate you" is solely up to the person that is listening, for it is not valid to only listen because we must try to understand as well.
Notes :
I can't please all of the people all of the time. -AyuCherry
In life something that we must all pick up on are the indirect cues that are presented to us ...throughout different scenarios in our lives. Not everything that we see with our own two eyes, may tell us all that we need to know, or think that we may know about a subject.
Too many times as people we are willing to judge a book by its cover, and not to think of things the way that they really might be if we just choose to use our brains a tad bit more in relation to everything that we deal with, including our daily relationships, in life. Deciphering whether or not there may be a little pain behind every "its okay" a small bit of curiosity behind every "I was just wondering" and a little love behind every "I hate you" is solely up to the person that is listening, for it is not valid to only listen because we must try to understand as well.
Notes :
I can't please all of the people all of the time. -AyuCherry
Friday, February 3, 2012
Ahli Baru.
Al-fatihah to arwah Muhammad Harith Anaqi b. Mohd Idris. refer http://ayucherry.blogspot.com/2010/05/al-fatihah.html
Aqi. Kamu dah dapat adik. Kamu mesti gembirakan. Tadi makyang sempat gomoi-gomoi dia. Kamu macam mana kat sana? mesti gembira. Kamu jangan lupa doakan keluarga kamu yang masih berjuang di sini ya! Makyang pun dah dapat baby. Kamu kena tengok. Mata dia bulat sama macam kamu. Makyang rindu kamu. Rindu sangat. hmm. Adik kamu perempuan. Comel !! Rambut lebat. Sampai tutup dahi dia.
Aqi. Kamu dah dapat adik. Kamu mesti gembirakan. Tadi makyang sempat gomoi-gomoi dia. Kamu macam mana kat sana? mesti gembira. Kamu jangan lupa doakan keluarga kamu yang masih berjuang di sini ya! Makyang pun dah dapat baby. Kamu kena tengok. Mata dia bulat sama macam kamu. Makyang rindu kamu. Rindu sangat. hmm. Adik kamu perempuan. Comel !! Rambut lebat. Sampai tutup dahi dia.
Nur Darwish Qaiszara Bt Mohd Idris
Notes :
Makyang tetap panggil Qiah=Anaqiah. hehe. Selamat melangkah ke alam nyata syg. Cepat besar ok. Lots of love~
22, 4bulan.
Yeay! Rafiq dah 4bulan da. Hari tuh 22 January 2012. hmm. Dah besar da anak ibu. :) Memang seronok tengok gelagat dia. Very active. Love smiling. tapi ape pun bila tengok camera mesti kaget! haiya! Dia sehat. Alhamdulillah xde apa-apa masalah. Sekarang dah pandai plak nak main sembur-sembur 'ayo lior'. Layankn aja!
4 bulan
Notes :
Jadilah anak yang soleh ye sayang. ILYVM!
Good! Bye!
Hye. Hello. Means ok. Ok ok aja bah. it's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen but its even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.
"If you want something, don't wish for it. Life is too short to wait." ~Stephen Hines
One quality we all must learn to develop early in our lives is to not just wish for things. Yes, it is very important for everyone to have dreams in their lives, to set goals, and to desire to success. Since we never know how much time that we really have on the earth to do the things that we truly desire so we must be will...ing to not only wish for things, but to go after our desires with action. We have to be willing to not only dream, but to take steps towards realizing our dreams, to not only set goals, but also be willing to do the things necessary to go after our goals. Though in some aspects of our lives being patient and waiting will benefit us greatly, but when it pertains to the desires that we have in our hearts, we have to be willing to simply go for it. Life is too short to wait around just wishing.
Yang pasti, i'll not stop dreaming because there is no wrong in wanting something more! i'd followed myheart all last year and it led me nowhere. Now i need to follow myhead. :)
"If you want something, don't wish for it. Life is too short to wait." ~Stephen Hines
One quality we all must learn to develop early in our lives is to not just wish for things. Yes, it is very important for everyone to have dreams in their lives, to set goals, and to desire to success. Since we never know how much time that we really have on the earth to do the things that we truly desire so we must be will...ing to not only wish for things, but to go after our desires with action. We have to be willing to not only dream, but to take steps towards realizing our dreams, to not only set goals, but also be willing to do the things necessary to go after our goals. Though in some aspects of our lives being patient and waiting will benefit us greatly, but when it pertains to the desires that we have in our hearts, we have to be willing to simply go for it. Life is too short to wait around just wishing.
Yang pasti, i'll not stop dreaming because there is no wrong in wanting something more! i'd followed myheart all last year and it led me nowhere. Now i need to follow myhead. :)
So, first of all. Alhamdulillah. Di beri lagi peluang dan masih bernafas di bumi Allah swt.
Desicion. Its hard. Semua orang pon teringin nak kerja 'kerajaan'. Tapi adakah saya dibutakan hati untuk tinggalkan apa yang ada sekarang dan mulakan yang baru? Ya! mungkin. Bukan senang ye lalui ape yang saya lalui. Yang penting saya tetap ingin mengejar impian saya yang pernah terkubur dulu. Jujurnya, saya kadang-kadang memang macam lalang. haha :) tapi apa yang pasti saya tetap dengan keputusan saya. Jiwa saya bukan di sini. Saya tahu saya tetap mahu yang satu nih. Nasib ada suami dan keluarga yang menyokong keras. Syukur. Maknanya, saya akan tinggalkan kenangan-kenangan di sini yang dulu gah dengan nama Balai Seni Lukis Negara tapi kini Balai Seni Visual Negara. Bulan ni last. 17th February. Im gonna miss all. (yeah right).
Ok. To all members yang belum kahwin. Nanti kalau rasa nak survey bridal butik jangan lupa singgah di Seksyen 7, Bandar Baru Bangi ok. Contact saya pon boleh.
Notes :
Dimulakan dengan Bismillah.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Akan datang
Apa akan jadi dimasa akan datang? Memang sukar diramal. tapi yang pasti, segalanya sudah tertulis untuk kita. Kalau nanti tidak lagi bernyawa, tolong ingati setiap detik adanya aku, tolong kamu pimpin zuriatku. Sesungguhnya ajal dan maut telah ditentukan Allah s.w.t. Alhamdulillah. aku bahagia dengan aku sekarang. Keluarga, teman, dan pastinya anak serta suami. Syukur ya Allah. Ya Allah Kau bimbinglah aku. Tunjukkan aku jalan yang lurus.Ya Allah Kau kurniakan lah kecerdasan akal fikiran dan tubuh badan pada anak aku...lindungi la beliau dari perkara yang tidak diingini. Ya Allah jadikanlah beliau seorang anak yg soleh, taat kepada Mu n kedua ibubapanya. Semoga hidupnya disengani ramai orang keran ketinggian ilmu dan akhlaknya. Dan jadikanlah aku seorg ibu yang penuh tanggungjawab dan berikanlah aku kerahmatan dalam mendidik dan membesarkn anak aku ini..Sesungguhnya aku amat menyayangi beliau...inilah nikmat menjadi seorang ibu...Ya Allah Besarnya Nikmat serta Kurniaan mu.. Amin.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Dah tahu berdua. Dah tahu barang ko banyak lagi dari kitorang. Dah tahu tuh minta la tolong. Dah tahu mulut ada kan? Dah tahu guna? Oh Ajar mulut minta tolong. Ajar mulut cakap ayat tolong. Jangan berlagak hidung tinggi. Dah tahu nanti kena juga kan? so? Eh! belum apa-apa dah malas!
Malas kemudian rajin.
Duduk selepas kerja.
Perangai lawan perangai.
Suka lalu benci.
Khianat mesti rapat.
Cakap jadi bisu.
Akal guna otak.
Mulut guna mata.
Pendidikan terus mencaci.
Halal tukar haram.
Mengharap jika berjaya.
Notes :
Manusia dengan ragamnya. Menconteng dunia sungguh enak tanpa pikir azab dikemudian.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Luruhnya hati seorang ibu bila melihat anak yang dikandung selama 9bulan melalui proses pembesaran yang pelbagai. Dari lahir dia belajar membuka mata walau silau terkena cahaya dunia. Senyum bersungguh untuk memberi isyarat kepada si ibu. Gelagat membuang air besar sambil meneran. :) that was so cute. Walau sakit, kamu masih berkuat untuk angkat kepala. Dan dari itu semua, anak ibu Rafiq sekarang dah boleh meniarap. Setiap proses yang dilalauinya sejak hari pertama melihat dunia, ibu tahu kamu amat bersungguh-sungguh dan pastinya kamu kuat semangat untuk semua itu. Ibu admire kamu. Ibu tersangat admire kamu. Ibu berasa sangat ralat sebab tak dapat nak bagi kamu susu ibu sepenuhnya. I mean it. Ibu sorry. Kalau kamu dah besar nanti pastikan kamu baca blog ibu dan semua post yang berkaitan dengan kamu kerana ibu nak kamu tahu betapa bermaknanya kamu dalam hidup ibu. Betapa bahagianya ibu melahirkan kamu. Jadilah hamba yang taat padaNya dan agama juga. Jadilah anak yang soleh dan penyejuk mata ibu dan abah. Jadilah rakyat yang berguna untuk negara. InsyaAllah tak kira apa yang berlaku ibu sentiasa di belakang kamu. Kalau kamu dah besar nanti tak kan sesekali ibu lupa setiap detik bersama kamu. Ibu sayang kamu Muhammad Rafiq. Ibu sayang kamu.
1 hari
1 bulan
2 bulan
3 bulan
Meniarap. :) Yeay!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Memang susah nak paham.
Kadang-kadang ya! Kadang-kadang tak! Kadang-kadang paham! Kadang-kadang tak paham! Buat menggelabah je. Eh tolong la!
Kadang-kadang senang! Kadang-kadang susah! Kadang-kadang suka! Kadang-kadang sedih! Wth!
Kalau pun nak dikata 'adat' tapi dengan keadaan sekarang memang tak la! Apa yang sebenarnya nih? ha?
Notes :
Tengok rafiq je dah boleh meleraikan segalanya. Syukur. Rafiq dah bertambah baik :) Yeay!
Kadang-kadang ya! Kadang-kadang tak! Kadang-kadang paham! Kadang-kadang tak paham! Buat menggelabah je. Eh tolong la!
Kadang-kadang senang! Kadang-kadang susah! Kadang-kadang suka! Kadang-kadang sedih! Wth!
Kalau pun nak dikata 'adat' tapi dengan keadaan sekarang memang tak la! Apa yang sebenarnya nih? ha?
Notes :
Tengok rafiq je dah boleh meleraikan segalanya. Syukur. Rafiq dah bertambah baik :) Yeay!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Happy Anny!
Happy Anniversary. 1 tahun. Yeah.
Hope our marriege will remain till the end of life. Yes. I still love you same as before. Everybody make a mistake. Allow me to make it perfect. Celebrating done!
Happy Anniversary. 1 tahun. Yeah.
Hope our marriege will remain till the end of life. Yes. I still love you same as before. Everybody make a mistake. Allow me to make it perfect. Celebrating done!
Notes :
Kembali pulih ya Rafiq. Ibu n abah risau nih. :(
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Just left behind.
Then. i have to let go. I want to cry. Then it will go. I do respect you coz I love you. Be nice with the fiancee. Be good.
Notes :
Whatever it is he's not the 1 that can you 'play game' with. Still have others. I knew it early. Thanks.
Notes :
Whatever it is he's not the 1 that can you 'play game' with. Still have others. I knew it early. Thanks.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Assalammualaikum. Hye.
Tahun baru 2012. Honestly kat rumah tak de internet :) so a bit late tok update.
Ada azam. Banyak sangat azam. Salah satunya, Yes of course. I wanna be a better person. A better wife. And the most important thing is to be a Great ibu to Rafiq. I do learn from the past so much. Yet, I do regret all. Mean it ok. Nothing from the past can make me smile in to it. Except! mybig day January 16 2011 and and! September 22 2011.
Tahun baru 2012. Honestly kat rumah tak de internet :) so a bit late tok update.
Ada azam. Banyak sangat azam. Salah satunya, Yes of course. I wanna be a better person. A better wife. And the most important thing is to be a Great ibu to Rafiq. I do learn from the past so much. Yet, I do regret all. Mean it ok. Nothing from the past can make me smile in to it. Except! mybig day January 16 2011 and and! September 22 2011.
January 16 2011
September 22 2011
Notes :
Forgive and forget can make people calm.
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