Friday, February 3, 2012

Good! Bye!

Hye. Hello. Means ok. Ok ok aja bah. it's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen but its even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.

"If you want something, don't wish for it. Life is too short to wait." ~Stephen Hines

One quality we all must learn to develop early in our lives is to not just wish for things. Yes, it is very important for everyone to have dreams in their lives, to set goals, and to desire to success. Since we never know how much time that we really have on the earth to do the things that we truly desire so we must be to not only wish for things, but to go after our desires with action. We have to be willing to not only dream, but to take steps towards realizing our dreams, to not only set goals, but also be willing to do the things necessary to go after our goals. Though in some aspects of our lives being patient and waiting will benefit us greatly, but when it pertains to the desires that we have in our hearts, we have to be willing to simply go for it. Life is too short to wait around just wishing.

Yang pasti, i'll not stop dreaming because there is no wrong in wanting something more! i'd followed myheart all last year and it led me nowhere. Now i need to follow myhead. :)

So, first of all. Alhamdulillah. Di beri lagi peluang dan masih bernafas di bumi Allah swt.

Desicion. Its hard. Semua orang pon teringin nak kerja 'kerajaan'. Tapi adakah saya dibutakan hati untuk tinggalkan apa yang ada sekarang dan mulakan yang baru? Ya! mungkin. Bukan senang ye lalui ape yang saya lalui. Yang penting saya tetap ingin mengejar impian saya yang pernah terkubur dulu. Jujurnya, saya kadang-kadang memang macam lalang. haha :) tapi apa yang pasti saya tetap dengan keputusan saya. Jiwa saya bukan di sini. Saya tahu saya tetap mahu yang satu nih. Nasib ada suami dan keluarga yang menyokong keras. Syukur. Maknanya, saya akan tinggalkan kenangan-kenangan di sini yang dulu gah dengan nama Balai Seni Lukis Negara tapi kini Balai Seni Visual Negara. Bulan ni last. 17th February. Im gonna miss all. (yeah right).

Ok. To all members yang belum kahwin. Nanti kalau rasa nak survey bridal butik jangan lupa singgah di Seksyen 7, Bandar Baru Bangi ok. Contact saya pon boleh.

Notes :
Dimulakan dengan Bismillah.

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